Saturday, December 10, 2011

Hog Wash Hike

(click the picture for a larger view)

So I arrived in Las Vegas on Thursday and today my friend Wayne (aka BadSanta) and I hiked at a place I'm calling Hog Wash because we hiked up a dry creek bed near a place called Razorback Ridge.  At the end of the hike there was a bunch of petrified wood pieces varying in size from as big as your thumb to the size of you living room sofa.  The round trip was about 4 miles long.

BadSanta at a rest stop.

Me on the Hog Wash trail.

This is actually from Fridays hike that was nearby to the Hog Wash hike.

We spotted these three goats, there may have been four, way up on the mountain side.  They watched us as close as we were watching them.

A piece of petrified wood I found.

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