Thursday, August 26, 2010

Melakwa Lake Backpack Trip

On Monday I left Seattle just before noon to take a two day backing trip to Melakwa Lake near Snoqualmie Pass about fifty miles east of Seattle.  Due to a late start I only hiked in about a mile and found a place to camp near Denny Creek.

On Tuesday I packed up and headed up the trail toward Melakwa Lake which was about a 3.5 mile hike and took a little over three hours.

It's been a few years since I've done this hike and the trail was quite a bit steeper and rougher than I remembered.  Much of the trail is just a boot beaten track through the rocks and tree roots.

The lower part of the trail passes a couple of beautiful high falls.  They're a little more scenic earlier in the year when there's more water--  which unfortunately also means more bugs.  There weren't many bugs on this trip.

Melakwa Lake was as beautiful as I expected and I was able to spend some time hanging out on shore after dinner and watch the shadow from the setting sun move up the mountain side and then the moonlight creep back down.

On Wednesday I woke to yet another sunny day and was on the trail at 10 am.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Bainbridge Island Bike Ride

After getting scared off from backpacking on Monday and Tuesday by a bad weather report I left on an overnight bike trip to Bainbridge Island on Wednesday.

Bainbridge Island isn't far from home but is the fastest way I know to get a half a world away.

"Without going out of your door, You can know the ways of the world. Without peeping through your window, you can see the Way of Heaven. The farther you go, The less you know. Thus, the Sage knows without traveling, Sees without looking, And achieves without struggle." Lao Tse.

And it seems like there were some other people who had the same idea I did...

Everybody likes to stare out over the water... who needs cell phones, text messages, or cable TV?

...especially when you've got a fishing pole.

... or a sunset to watch.